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Neuro project management. (Аспирантура). (Бакалавриат). (Магистратура). Монография

код 595070
Год издания: 2020 г.
ISBN: 978-5-4365-6002-1
Дисциплина: Менеджмент
Издательство: Русайнс
Страниц: 74
Вид издания: Монография
Оптовая цена: 790 руб.
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Книга размещена в базе
This monograph describes the results of the authors' research on the methodology of neuro project management – a new direction of neuroscience that combines such scientific fields as medicine, psychology, neuroeconomics and management. Combining theoretical concepts and accumulated practical knowledge, this monograph presents the possibilities of using neural technologies in project management for effective labor organization and innovative sustainable development. This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying management and economics at the University, for graduate students and scientists engaged in neuroscience, as well as for project managers who want to learn more about the psychophysiological and biological features of the formation of project thinking.
Neuro project management : монография / Е. А. Халимон, И. С. Брикошина, С. Н. Апенько [и др.].

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