Меню раздела

People in smart cities. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Монография.

The book presents a state-of-the-art research, built around a value-based vision of Smart Cities. It details the dynamics in human values for the past decades and is an attempt to present a wider perspective on new digital global culture. Today the smart city panorama seems very chaotic and people feel lost in the fast-changing digital environment. The book makes the reader take a break from overwhelming information streams and think of oneself identity. It also outlines contemporary approaches to Smart City governance strategies which help to improve the quality of life in the urban spaces as well as create public value for citizens.  
Overall, this study offers a valuable resource for researchers, students and those who are interested in the Smart City of today and a future direction...
People in smart cities : монография / ; под общ. ред. С. Г. Камолова, К. . Кабсунга, Коллектив авторов.


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